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What is Bargainomics?
Proverbs 22:7b says: "...the borrower is the slave of the lender" (ESV). Refuse to live in bondage!
Click here to learn more: WHAT BARGAINOMICS IS ALL ABOUT.
WHAT DOES IT COST? I appreciate every opportunity to speak to any size group & I don't set a fee to come & speak. Just remember, when you invite me, to prayerfully consider my preparation time, speaking time, & mileage/travel expense. I don't accept advertising on my website, which means I pay for my website to be up & running, but I make no money from it or the deals I post on Facebook. I consider Bargainomics a ministry. That said, bear in mind that I spend a minimum of 4 hours (sometimes as much as 2 days) preparing to speak to your group, plus I'm putting wear and tear on my car driving to and from your event. Fast food workers' average starting salary is $16 an hour. If I were rich, I'd speak everywhere for no cost whatsoever. But I'm not, so please, remember the cost of gasoline, the miles I'm putting on my car, and prayerfully factor in my speaking and preparation time as you decide on an honorarium.
HOW LONG IS A BARGAINOMICS EVENT? I create a program specifically for your event, whether it's a 20-minute luncheon gathering or a full weekend retreat.
WHAT DO I TALK ABOUT? While Bargainomics is my most requested topic, even it can be focused on any particular area you'd like, such as time management, kitchen tips, travel, etc. Whether it's Bargainomics or some other Bible-related topic, I will put together a program designed for the theme of your event.
WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR SETUP? Typically, I prefer a wireless microphone, plus a small table for "show 'n' tell" items set up wherever I'll be standing to speak. I'll also need a table for book sales set up near the entrance/exit so it's in easy view & reach of those who attend the event. And, unless I bring someone with me to assist, I may someone to help me with book sales.
"Judy Bates was the motivational speaker for the Ladies' Tea at our church. Tickets were completely sold out. The women were so interested in her message. She is articulate, informative, funny and able to thread the Gospel message throughout her talk." Carol Salciccioli, Women's Ministry, Joshua Springs Calvary Church, Yucca Valley, California
"Judy is very knowledgeable about various topics including finances, women's ministries and church life in general. Judy is an accomplished writer and speaker and is in constant demand." Dr. Kevin Hamm, Senior Pastor; First Baptist Church, Gardendale, Alabama
"The highlight of our Ladies High Tea was the seminar presented by Judy Woodward Bates through her ministry of Bargainomics. Her thoughtful preparation and prayer to provide just the right message was evident. Judy's words of wisdom, mixed with humor, were delightful and well received - a major spiritual bonus in these difficult economic times!" Sylvia Bates, Chairperson, Fellowship Committee; St. James United Methodist Church, Atlanta, Georgia
"Thank you for participating in our Annual Women's Enrichment Day. We received many favorable comments from our seminar evaluation form, such as: 'Enjoyed the Bargainomics session; really good and down to earth. Absolutely LOVED The Bargainomics Lady.'" Maria Stanford, Director of Marketing & Public Relations; Cullman Regional Medical Center, Cullman, Alabama
"Judy shared many useful tips and entertaining stories with the women of our community. During that time, as still today, we are looking for helpful ways to save money and Judy gave us many ways to do that. She is funny, knowledgeable, entertaining and everything is said through the filter of Biblical truth. You will fall in love with her, as we did, and you will never shop the same way again!" Linda Hinson, Director of Women's Ministries; First Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida
"Judy is a very funny, entertaining lady with lots of Biblical advice for our practical everyday living." Leslie Hallmark, First Baptist Church, Lexington, Tennessee
Bargainomics is money management God's way. My life verse is Matthew 6:33 where Jesus says "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." When Jesus Christ has first place in your life, the other things fall into proper order and perspective.